So far on Credit Repair Business Secrets, you’ve learned how to land your first client and provide them with a great credit repair service with no experience. And with today’s lesson, we’re really going to start kicking things off.
Everyone worries about getting new clients, especially when they’re getting started. And when you’re thinking is cluttered by that kind of worry, it’s easy to get tempted and stumble into costly marketing endeavors. You try things like putting out ads or getting an SEO expert to optimize your website - literally anything that would help you get new clients.
That’s exactly how I was thinking when I made one of the biggest blunders of my credit repair career. No one should have to go through what I did, especially since I’ve discovered an amazing method to get clients without spending a penny on ads.
How NOT to Advertise Your Credit Repair Business
Some time ago, when I was just starting out with Credit Repair Cloud, I was so sure I needed to go big in order to get clients. I was looking into buying TV ads, newspaper ads, billboards… You name it! Anything that would get me some kind of exposure and bring potential customers.
The problem was - I was still broke at the time. I didn’t have money for anything like that and I was barely making ends meet. So I gathered my credit cards, took out a second mortgage on my house and managed to scrape together $150 000. I was so sure this was going to work, I wasn’t worried about paying any of it back.
I used that money to set everything up, and when the big day finally arrived, I couldn’t wait for new clients to start pouring in. But that never happened. The ads went out and no one cared. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars - straight down the toilet.
“As entrepreneurs, we grow and we learn by making mistakes. It's all part of the process.” - Daniel Rosen
I spent money I didn’t have on advertising I didn’t need. And it taught me one of the most valuable lessons of my career. Over the years, I’ve learned to appreciate this or any other mistake I’ve made in my career because it led me to where I am today. But if someone were there to warn me about making them, I think I’d appreciate that even more.
How to Bring In New Clients Without Spending a Penny on Advertising
The biggest lesson I took from my whole debacle with advertising was that:
“You don't need everyone… You only need to attract the select people who really need your help.” - Daniel Rosen
But how do you do that? Well, there are two fundamental approaches to getting unlimited clients without paying for ads. And the great thing is - you can implement both!
The Classic Referral Method - Let Your Work Speak for You
When you’re just starting out you can help your friends and family repair their credit. Credit Repair Cloud software has an amazing flow that you can follow, which will ensure you do a great job. After that, they’ll be able to refer you to their friends because chances are, they know someone who could use your help too.
Derrick Harper got started that way. He was helping his buddies in the Air Force, who kept on referring him to other people and today, Derrick is one of the 25 people in our esteemed Millionaire’s Club.
As soon as you get your first happy customers, you should start doing these two things:
- Ask for a Testimonial - get a video or written quote from them about how satisfied they were with your service and put it up on your website
- Offer Them a Referral Reward - let them know that you are willing to pay a finder’s fee for every paying customer that you get from their referral
Have you been tracking the numbers so far? Are we still at $0 spent? Great! Then let’s crank it up a notch!
Affiliate Referrals - Taking Your Credit Repair Business to the Next Level
Once you’ve gained a little experience and you have a couple of wins under your belt, I want you to ask yourself that basic question again - who needs credit repair?
You can often hear me say that credit repair changes lives and that’s something I really believe in - because it’s true! Imagine someone who never had a place of their own and were struggling with rent every month. Now imagine that same person getting their own place because they can now afford it due to a new, freshly improved credit score. Isn’t that a life changed?
Each day, people are relying on their credit score to get something they really need. And sadly, some of those people are being turned away because their score is too low. And the folks turning them away are losing money too. Mortgage brokers, realtors, auto dealers… They all face these types of situations on a daily basis. And here’s how you can step in and create a scenario where everybody wins.
You need to get out there and start meeting these people. Anyone in your area who is selling anything that requires good credit. Again - mortgage brokers, realtors, auto dealers…then simply offer to pay them a commission for each client they refer to you.
“Affiliate referrals will be the easiest sale you have ever made.” - Daniel Rosen
Not only are you paying them for each customer they send your way but you’re also helping your customers buy the stuff they were turned away for in the first place. Your customers are happy, your affiliates are happy and you’re going to get so many clients your head will spin.
I really hope you find these insights useful, and there’s still much to come. Make sure you subscribe to learn more secrets of the credit repair trade and hear some more amazing success stories. Until next time - keep changing lives!
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