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STOP! Read This Before You Send Credit Repair Dispute Letters

By: Daniel Rosen Last updated: April 24, 2024

Whether you’re working on your own credit or your credit repair client’s credit, you’re in a hurry! There’s a car to finance or a house to buy and it’s all dependent on one simple score. 

So how fast can you rush the process? 

How many disputes can you send out at one time without causing issues with the bureaus?  

Two items? 

Five, ten….  Twenty? 

Or maybe you can just dispute as many items as you want!?

This has been an ongoing debate since the beginning of the industry decades ago. 

So, in this article, I’ll share the secret answer to these questions once and for all. 

How many disputes should you send at one time?


First, understand that it is totally legal to dispute everything on a credit report in one shot...

However, the bureaus will nearly always flag them. 

This is because when too many items are disputed at one time, they almost always assume the disputes are being sent from a credit repair organization and may consider or deem all of the disputes frivolous.

But why? 

And what does that mean? 

Under section 623 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the bureaus and furnishers of information are not required to investigate a direct dispute if the furnisher has reasonably determined that the dispute is frivolous or irrelevant.  

Disputing too many items at once is a sure way to be deemed frivolous. 

So, how many are too many? 

That depends on who you ask. 

I asked a bunch of the top credit repair business owners and experts out there.

And do you want to know what the overwhelming majority said? 

They all said the same thing! 

You should never dispute more than 5 items at one time!

5 seems to be the secret number that allows you to make progress reasonably quickly, without flagging your disputes as frivolous with the bureaus. 

This is so important because if you get flagged the bureau may refuse future disputes, and at the very least it’ll significantly slow down the process and overall results. 

So, even though the round 1 letter in Credit Repair Cloud allows you to dispute as many items as you wish on one letter, you should limit the number of disputes to a maximum of 5 items per cycle. 

Don’t get impatient. 

Take your time with a systematic approach of only a handful of disputes at any given time and you'll be pleasantly surprised that sometimes less is more. 

And if you want to use our proven and effective methods we teach in our Basic Disputing Course for verification, disputing accounts, sending warnings, being persistent with reinvestigations, doing interventions, filing complaints, demanding validation, and a ton of other real strategies that actually get you results...  

I’m offering that certification course for FREE inside our 14-day Credit Hero Challenge, where we walk you by the hand as you launch your very own credit repair business in just a couple of weeks AND for less than it costs to bring your family to McDonald’s for dinner. 

To join the challenge and get the Basic Disputing certification course for free, go to



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Whether you are working on your own credit or your credit repair client's credit, you're always in a hurry. There's a car to finance or a house to buy, and it's all dependent on that one simple score. So how fast can you rush the process? How many disputes can you send out a one time without causing issues with the bureaus? Is that 2 items, 5, 10, 20? Or maybe you can just dispute as many as you want? Well, this has been an ongoing debate since the beginning of the credit repair industry years ago. People love to argue about this. So in this episode, I am going to set the record straight. I'm going to give you the secret answer to all these questions once and for all. So stick around! 


So the big question is this. How can we take our passion for helping people with their credit and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing, so we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to Credit Repair Business Secrets.


Okay, before I dive in, if you want to get certified in three different areas of credit repair, and a whole lot more in just 14 days, I invite you to take the Credit Hero Challenge. So visit today! Okay. So how many disputes should you send in one time? First, understand that it is totally legal to dispute everything on a credit report in one shot. Totally legal! And many people do this. But the bureaus will nearly always flag them. And this is because when too many items are disputed at one time, they almost always assume that the disputes are being set by a credit repair company, and they may consider or deem all of the disputes frivolous. But why? And what does that mean? Well, under Section 623 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the bureaus and the furnishes of information, they are not required to investigate a direct dispute if the furnished has reasonably determined that the dispute is frivolous or irrelevant. And disputing too many items at once, it's a surefire way to be deemed frivolous. How many is too many? Okay, it really all depends on who you ask. So I asked a bunch of the top credit repair business owners and the biggest experts out there, the people making the most money with their credit repair businesses. And do you know what the overwhelming majority of them said? Well, the ones with the most successful companies, they all said the same thing. They said you should never dispute more than five items at one time. Five seems to be the secret number that allows you to make progress reasonably quickly, without flagging your disputes as frivolous with the bureaus. Now, this is really important, because when you get flagged, the bureau, they may refuse future disputes. And at the very least, that is going to really slow down your progress and your overall results. Okay, so even though the round one letter in Credit Repair Cloud, even though it allows you to dispute as many items as you like, in one letter, you should limit the number of disputes to a maximum of five items per cycle. Now, sure, there are exceptions. Like, if it's a case of identity theft, I mean, a real one, okay? And if you're also including a police report, or if it's incorrect, personal information, but when it's actual disputes of credit accounts, it's best to take it slow, okay? Don't get impatient. Take your time, have a systematic approach, with only a handful of disputes at any given time. And you know, What you're going to be pleasantly surprised that sometimes less is more. And if you want to use the proven and effective methods that we teach in our basic disputing course, for verification, disputing accounts, sending warnings, being persistent with reinvestigations, doing interventions, filing complaints, demanding validation, and a whole ton of other real strategies that actually get you results. I am offering that certification course for free inside our 14 day Credit Hero Challenge, where we actually hold you by the hand as you launch your very own credit repair business in just a couple of weeks. And it costs less than it would cost to take your family to McDonald's for dinner. Okay, it's very affordable, and it is amazing! So to join the challenge, and get the basic disputing certification course for free, go to And if you're finding the value in this podcast, click below to subscribe, okay? And if you're feeling extra kind, leave me a review rate me, give me a thumbs up... Give me something! Because this is a new podcast, and I can use all the help I can get. And I can't wait to see you in the next episode. So until then, be a Credit Hero and keep changing lives! 


Want more credit repair business secrets? Then get a copy of my book, The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Credit Repair Business. Get it free at Inside this book, you'll find my top 35 secrets to removing items from credit reports and turning that into an amazing business that helps people, changes lives, and makes you a great living in the process to get it free at

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