As a Credit Hero, you’re focused on getting amazing results for each of your clients and changing as many lives as you can.
Empathy and understanding is all a part of being GREAT at what you do because we ALL know life happens, even to the BEST of us!
So, as you look into a client’s payment history sometimes getting great results means finding creative ways to fix any payment mistakes they’ve made along the way.
Why is it SO important to remove late payments ... if you can?
- In credit repair, your clients’ payment history makes up roughly 35% of their total score!
- Lenders see late payments as a bright red flag. It’s a sign that the person likely won’t pay them on time.
- Did you know that most credit card companies check to see if their card holders are on time with OTHER creditors? They do!! Periodically, they pull their card holder’s credit to see if there are signs of financial difficulties with OTHER creditors.
- And, if they find any issues, they may lower the available credit line or even increase their interest rate … EVEN IF YOUR CLIENT HAS NEVER BEEN LATE WITH THEM ON A PAYMENT.
That means, even one late payment can cause a domino effect. That’s why I suggest that you educate your clients to never be late with anybody IF possible.
But sometimes, life throws an obstacle our way, and nobody’s perfect!
That’s where you, Credit Hero, come in!
Just because your client’s payment was marked as late doesn't always mean they have to live with it.
You have options… Goodwill Interventions!
You may be able to get the late payment or payments removed with a little bit of creativity and empathy.
This process is called a goodwill intervention.
So what exactly is a goodwill intervention?
It’s a request.
It’s really simple!
- You are essentially asking the creditor to remove one or more late payments.
- You have a really good excuse.
- You're also promising to make payments on time in the future.
When you’re using a goodwill intervention as a tool to get results, here are some tips to remember.
Goodwill interventions only work on OPEN accounts.
A goodwill intervention is based on previous stellar payment history with that account.
But if the account is closed, it’s no longer possible to remove the late payment history, so your strategy may be to work towards removing the entire account.
Another thing to keep in mind …
Goodwill interventions only work on CURRENT accounts.
This strategy only works if the account is CURRENT, meaning there is no past due amount. If the creditor gets a request to remove late payments on an account that is past due, they’ll only consider it once it’s current.
Now that you’ve determined that your client has an OPEN and CURRENT account that always had a great payment history but suddenly had one or a handful of late payments, you’re ready to take these simple steps to deletion!
Just 3 Steps To Using This Secret Hack … Goodwill Deletion!
1. Either use our “LETTER FINDER” feature or visit the letter library within your Credit Repair Cloud and search for “goodwill,” and you’ll find several variations of the letter. Just use the one that suits your situation the best. If you don’t have a Credit Repair Cloud account, you can sign up for 30 days free at
2. Next, make sure you have a really GOOD EXCUSE. A goodwill deletion letter works by sending it to the creditor asking them very nicely to remove a late payment. Again, try to have a GREAT story… something that moves them. Maybe your client’s child was born that month, or maybe they were hospitalized, or maybe their family was affected by COVID -- or something really, really difficult came up that made them suddenly unable to pay.
3. Remember, you are essentially asking for a favor. Be SUPER nice, and if the main customer service address doesn’t respond, try sending it to various departments or individual people within the company. If these late payments are really hurting your client, and you’re really serious about doing everything you can to remove them, go the extra mile. You can always Google the company or use LinkedIn to find the CEO, VP, managers, directors, or anyone you find with contact information and send a separate letter directly to them.
And that’s all it takes!! Simple, right?!
Empathy, creativity, and some added elbow grease – you’ll be amazed to see that more often than not, you’ll get the GREAT results your clients need …
And the best part is, they’ll love you for it!
This secret hack is just one of many strategies you learn when you get certified in disputing in the Credit Hero Challenge.
Whether you’re just starting out in the business or repairing your own credit, this is a LIVE experience that has helped tons of Credit Heroes get their first paying clients, learn everything they need to dispute like a pro, gain confidence, and launch their very own credit repair business from the comfort of their home.
We’ve got a new one starting soon, but you’ve got to get in quick before doors close, otherwise you’ll have to wait for the next one!
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Life happens. And sometimes it happens in a way that haunts you or your clients for years. Let's say your client has a perfect and long term payment history with a creditor, when suddenly boom! Something happens that causes that perfect payment history to go late. Maybe the mail was lost through no fault of their own, maybe they got laid off or had an emergency, or a medical situation happened, or even COVID caused a payment to have to be pushed past the due date. Or really, maybe just life got chaotic, and they forgot. So in this episode, I'm going to walk you through my secret hack to delete late payments. So stick around!
So the big question is this. How can we take our passion for helping people with their credit and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing, so we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to Credit Repair Business Secrets.
Okay, let's get into this! It's time for my secret hack to delete late payments. See, lenders really don't like late payments, and they consider them to be a big fat red flag. They indicate that it's likely that this person won't pay them on time. In fact, most credit card companies periodically pool their credit holders credit every so often as a soft inquiry to see if they were late with their other accounts, or to see if there are signs of financial difficulties with other creditors. If they find any issues, they may lower the available credit line, or they may even increase their interest rate, even if your client has never been late with them on any payment. So it's really important to educate your clients to never be late with anyone, if possible. Now we all know life happens, right? It's happened to all of us. And just because your payment was marked as late. That doesn't always mean that you have to live with it, there are options, you may be able to get the late payment or payments removed with a little bit of creativity and empathy. This process is called a goodwill intervention. So what exactly is a goodwill intervention? It's a request and not a demand. You are essentially asking or really begging the creditor to remove one or more late payments with a really good excuse. And you're also promising to make payments on time in the future. Now, you may be asking yourself, does this work on closed accounts? Unfortunately, no! Goodwill interventions, they only work on open accounts. If the account is closed, you may simply want to work towards removing the entire account, not just the late payments, because a goodwill intervention is based on previous stellar payment history. Also, note that this strategy only works if the account is current, meaning there is no past due amount. Basically, if you were the creditor, and your customer asks you to remove late payments on an account that is past due, you're not even going to consider it until it's current. So here's what you need to know to use this simple strategy to get results for your client. If your client has an open and current account that always had a great payment history, and then suddenly had one or a handful of late payments. This is how you go for a deletion. You either use our letter finder feature, or visit the letter library within your Credit Repair Cloud and search for goodwill. And when you do that, you're going to find several variations of this letter. Just use the one that suits your situation the best. Now if you don't have a Credit Repair Cloud account, you can sign up for 30 days free at next move Make sure you have a really good excuse a goodwill deletion letter, it works by sending it to the creditor, asking them very nicely to please remove a late payment. Again, try to have a great story, a tear jerker, something that moves them, maybe your child was born that month, or maybe you were hospitalized, or maybe your family was affected by COVID, or something really, really difficult came up that made you suddenly unable to pay. Remember, you are asking for a favor. So be very, very nice. And if the main customer service address doesn't respond, then try sending it to various departments or individual people within that company. If these late payments are really hurting your client, and you are really serious about doing everything you can to remove them, then go the extra mile. Google the company or use LinkedIn to find the CEO, the VP managers, directors, or anyone you find with contact information and send them each a separate letter, send it directly to them. And in the end, with effort, creativity, and strategically applied pressure, you are going to be amazed to see that more often than not, you get the results your clients need, and they are going to love you for it. Now this secret hack is just one of the many strategies that you will learn when you get certified in disputing in the Credit Hero Challenge. It doesn't matter if you're just starting out in the business or repairing your own credit. This is a live experience that has helped tons of Credit Heroes to get their first paying clients to learn everything they need to dispute like a pro to gain confidence and to launch their very own credit repair business from the comfort of their own home. We've got a new challenge starting very very soon. So to get in, sign up at today, and if you find value in this podcast, please share it, subscribe, leave a review or feel free to comment and ask questions. I come back and I answer all of them. And I will see you in the next episode. And until then, be at Credit Hero and keep changing lives!
Want to fast track to creating an amazing business that helps people, changes lives, and makes you a great living in the process? Then I'd like to invite you to my free online training at In this free training you will learn how to get clients willing to pay you even if you're just starting out, how to get easy credit repair results without being an expert, and how to get all the clients you'll ever need without paying for advertising. Again, this training is absolutely free. Just visit

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