This was sent as an internal newsletter to our Credit Repair Cloud users in September, 2020 and made public thereafter.
Can you believe it’s September already? I know it’s been such a crazy year and in some ways 2020 feels like it’s taken decades to get through but in other ways, it’s really flown by.
This week, my team and I are quarterly planning and it dawned on me that we’re going into the FINAL QUARTER of the year!
That’s a big deal!
How has your year gone?
What goals did you set for yourself at the beginning of the year?
Have you reached them?
Are you on target to reach them in the final few months?
If you’re still sitting on the fence about starting your business, or if you’re not even close to where you wanted to be by the end of the year - this is your “WAKE UP!” call.
This is your chance to GET. IT. DONE. before the end of the year!

Take a look at the section of this blog about our Credit Repair Business Secrets podcast and listen to each episode! I walk you through exactly how to launch, grow, and scale your credit repair business and I share it all with you for FREE! So check it out!
CRC ROUNDUP: Your Go-To Guide For All Credit Repair Cloud News… So You Don’t Miss Out!
A Brand NEW Credit Repair Millionaire Is In The HOOUUSSEE!
You know him! Ya love him!! Congratulations to our very own #CreditHero, Bruce Politano!

Bruce had checked off nearly everything on his Credit Hero bucket list:
✔ Run a profitable credit repair business using Credit Repair Cloud software.
✔ Change lives.
✔ Speak at the Credit Repair Expo.
✔ Guest interview on the Credit Repair Business Secrets Podcast.
.... and FINALLY....
✔✔✔Join the Credit Repair Millionaires WALL OF FAME and got his Millionaires Club Award after earning over a million dollars in revenue through his Credit Repair Cloud!!
We love Bruce and I know you do too! Congratulations!
Launch Your Credit Repair Business in 3 Weeks or Less!Credit Repair Cloud Facebook Community Highlights
Join the Credit Hero Challenge!
I keep hearing stories of people graduating the Credit Hero Challenge with paid clients already! How cool is that?!
But here’s the thing…
- I can tell you until I’m blue in the face, how incredible this whole challenge is and how every single person interested in starting a credit repair business needs to go through it at least once…
- I can tell you how the daily live coaching calls are exactly what you need to get out of the slump you’re in…
- I can tell you how $47 can totally transform your life if you commit to the process…
- I can tell you how you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain because I’ll give you back every penny you paid if you graduate the challenge and feel like it wasn’t worth ten times that amount.
But… in the end, I’m just the guy who spent 20 years of his life learning everything you’re gonna be able to learn in a couple weeks.
So I want you to hear how the Credit Hero Challenge has impacted people, just like you, who’ve already graduated.
What would a few extra paying clients do for you? Could it get you out of the slump you’re in? Could it give you the confidence to go all the way to the Millionaires Club award?
Could it give you freedom? Would it change your life and the lives of your customers? Would it help you finish this year STRONGER and more STABLE than you were last year?
Yeah… I think so…

Can’t Stop! Won’t Stop!
Credit Repair Cloud Facebook Community Highlights
Our Credit Repair Cloud Facebook community is about to hit 12,000 members!

- You wanna know what our Millionaires Club Members think? What they’re up to? What they’re involved in? They’re in the community! Log on and find out!
- Wanna network with like minded Credit Heroes dealing with the same struggles you’re experiencing? Log on and connect!
- Curious to see one step ahead and know what’s coming? I go LIVE every week to give you an insider look at what I’m doing and what you can expect! Log on and join me!
… And did I mention - it’s ABSOLUTELY FREE if you’ve purchased one of our courses or are a Credit Repair Cloud user?
Plus - you get to be inspired by people like Sharese Bouie and her husband, Jeremy Bouie, who started their credit repair business in July and within the first month had over 30 paid clients!

AND you can connect with incredible people like Jaxx Rashell who took the Credit Hero Challenge, launched her business and within the first week got over 10 new clients!

Check out these posts in the community. They were just too good not to share!
Credit Repair Business SECRETS Podcast
What’s the difference between where you are today… and where you COULD be by the end of the year?
You may never know what you’re missing if you don’t listen!

How to Market Your Credit Repair Business for FREE!: Years ago, when I was trying to launch my first version of credit repair software, called Credit-Aid, I listened to all the bad marketing advice out there. I took out a loan on my house, maxed out my credit cards, and went into $200,000 of debt just to advertise my $20 CD. Guess how much return I made from it?
Let me put it this way - I was living the high life. I was able to upgrade my dinners from Top Ramen to Cup-o-Noodles… That’s right - nearly ZERO in return! It was an epic failure.
But I didn’t give up. And through trial and error over the past two decades, I now know a secret almost no one’s talking about. Want to know what it is? Listen to this episode to find out!

Build Your Million Dollar Business by Word of Mouth With Tracy Arnett: Tracy Arnett is one of our Credit Repair Cloud Millionaires Club members, and we’re so lucky to have him!

Proven Steps From Zero To Millionaire Part 1: Did you know most of our credit repair millionaires started from nothing and with nothing? And guess what? You can too! Have you ever thought you needed a bunch of big, expensive, flashy stuff to get your business up and running? I think we all have at one time or another.
But you know what I discovered both in my business and after helping thousands of Credit Heroes quit their 9-5 jobs, and earn six and seven-figure incomes?
I discovered that the best way to go from zero to a millionaire costs you almost NOTHING and I’m spilling the beans on exactly how to do it in this episode!

Proven Steps From Zero To Millionaire Part 2: People in our community start businesses on a shoestring budget in exactly the way I shared with you in Part One, and what I’m sharing in this part 2 episode.
So tune in to this episode and I’ll finish telling you exactly how you can launch, build, and scale your profitable credit repair business!
Wait! Wait! There’s More!
Our GLOBAL team grew again! Please join me in a huge welcome to the following geniuses who’ve begun working hard to serve YOU and CRC!
Rachel, our new Sr. Director of Finance. and Gabriela, our Sr. Director of People Operations and Diversity.

Plus, we made improvements to the 1-click import report so it’s a more seamless experience for you!

Clearing Up Confusion Around Expired Debt and the Statute of Limitations
This is perhaps one of the most common and confusing subjects of all the years I've been in this industry. And although there is no clean cut answer, I'm going to share with you what the rules are so hopefully it sheds some light and clears some confusion.
Disclaimer (... I know, I know... but our attorneys made me do it): I'm not an attorney and this information should in no way be considered legal advice. I do however have decades of experience in the credit repair industry and am happy to pass along what I've learned.
First, let's talk about the statute of limitations on debt collection, which is how long debt collectors have to sue and collect on debts owed. Now, a point of clarification, this is completely different than how long items can stay on your credit report (aka: “running of reporting”).
If you or your client owe an old debt, collectors may not be able to collect on it. Debts eventually expire. It’s called the statute of limitations and it gets a little tricky because it varies by type of debt and also varies from state to state.
Now, although a quick Google search will provide a chart that breaks down the statute of limitations by state and type of debt, it isn't accurate and will likely add to your confusion.
So how do you know which state's statutes apply to your situation?
Generally speaking - the state in which the borrower resides (even if they move to a new state) is typically the jurisdiction, but there are some exceptions to this rule. Some states have their own laws that a judge may overrule on in a court setting, while some states have their own precedents (aka “case law”) that conflict with what the traditional chart says.
Beyond that, you may need to also factor in that if the debt is a credit card, most credit card agreements have a sneaky paragraph that allows the creditor their choice of venue. So in other words, if you owe a debt in one state and the statute of limitations says it is expired, and the creditor has their choice of venue - they can sue you according to the statute of limitations in another state which has not yet expired.
So, as you can see - it’s not always a black and white answer of, "Yes, the debt is collectible" or "No, it’s not collectible".
How do you know for certain then?
Take into account these 4 steps:
- Start by assuming that the state in which the borrower resides is accurate
- Take a look at the contract and search to see if there is a venue clause
- Research case law for cases in which a precedent has been set.
- Finally, if you are sued on a debt you feel is expired - ultimately it’s up to you to defend yourself in court and the final decision will rest with the judge. Therefore, knowing this information in advance and being prepared could mean the difference between whether or not you truly owe on the debt.
That’s it for this month’s update.
I can't wait to talk to you again next month!
If you’re not a Credit Repair Cloud user yet, you can still get started for $0! All you need to do is start your 30-day trial here, and you can import reports, create dispute letters for your clients (AND MORE) for FREE during your trial!
Daniel Rosen
PS: - Don’t forget, keep changing lives!
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