Wanna know how to bootstrap a massive business from nothing?
Well, today, I’m joined by Paranda Davis, the CEO of Davis Future Planning! She’s been with Credit Repair Cloud since the very beginning and today she’s sharing her secrets on how she grew her hugely successful credit repair business from nothing.
Our most successful credit heroes, the ones that make a great living and make a massive impact, they all have one thing in common...they all care about CHANGING lives!
Paranda Davis got started in credit repair because she simply wanted to help people. Now, she runs a hugely successful business that’s focused on educating her clients in very creative ways.
She’s also the author of the book “How To Get An 800 Credit Score For Rookies: The Blueprint” – as well as other books!
Here’s some of the top highlights from my chat with Paranda.
Let's start with the basics. I want to know where you grew up. And where are you now?
I grew up in a small town called Norwich, North Carolina. I was brought up and raised by my grandparents, and they did an amazing job with me. They taught me about farming, finances, banking, and everything. So I started at a very young age. As I grew up, you know, we made our mistakes, and we had children, families, and stuff. I started realizing the benefits that my grandparents had taught me; everything was just right there when I was little. And it was just so amazing that I was able to use those seeds to help raise my family as a single parent.
Most people start to learn about credit repair because they have credit issues of their own. Did you have credit issues of your own?
That was around when I was like 25, I started making some mistakes and, was young and then I had my second child. It was just medical bills from having babies and things like that. But actually, honestly, I didn't start using credit repair until I was like 35 years old.
And what motivated you to turn it into a business?
I had a conversation with my cousin. We had a recession years ago, and my cousin came to me and she told me, “You need to get into finances because you're good at what you do”. And I'm very organized. I like things done, right? So she just brought the idea to me, and I talked it over with my significant other, and he was like, “Let's go for it”. And I did and, and then I did my research. I hired someone from Florida to do the research in my area. He was surprised you have no competition. So I was like, really? He said That's a great business to get into because just coming out of the recession, people losing their homes, their finances, they're not educated about credit or their finances, so I was like, Let's go for it. So it was amazing. So, I made $30,000 in my first month into credit repair.
What's your secret to keeping them engaged and committed throughout the credit repair process?
Communication and being honest. Document everything that you do because you're gonna have some clients that have personal issues going on, they're upset, they've been through things and they don't understand. Communication is the number one thing, and you must make sure you document every step of the way in your process. And you have to have an amazing team, because it's hard doing it just by yourself.
How has Credit Repair Cloud played a role in your journey? And how does credit repair software help you with your business?
It makes my life a whole lot easier. Honestly, I can almost cry right now. Yeah, I can communicate with my employees, my clients or my affiliates. It just is easy. I can travel, I can go anywhere. And then I can work from wherever I want to be. I can be anywhere and still be able to work and communicate with my clients and my employees.
What are your most effective marketing strategies that are working today for attracting new clients?
Well, right now, a lot of women, they follow me, and they are just very inspired by me. So right now I just do the lifestyle marketing, where they can see me every day like now, I gained like 30 pounds, and I lost it, you know, things like that. But I'm just posting different things and health is very important that I'm implementing inside of the company as well, but we want to be able to be healthy and enjoy the thing that we worked so hard.
Of all the credit repair strategies you've learned, which one do you think was the biggest game changer for you?
Being consistent with getting on the credit bureaus' nerves, you just have to be on time. You can't miss a beat with them. No one allows it.
And then how do you deal with credit bureau stall letters they seem to be sending more and more?
Oh, so yeah, I just say just ignore that. Just keep going, gotta keep bugging, you know, just keep going. And I tell my clients just to be patient. I communicate with them. I said just you got to be patient. That's like one of the most important things that you have to tell your clients is to be patient because it's not an overnight success. Some people get done really quickly, but you really have to have patience with credit repair.
And what's one piece of advice you'd give to someone who wants to start their own credit repair business?
Just do it. Stay consistent. get Credit Repair Cloud. Yes, that's the number one. Just do it. If it's your passion, see, this is my passion. I've been doing it for almost 11 years. This is my passion.
Thank you for being here, Paranda!
Tune in to watch the full episode here.
If you still need a Credit Repair Cloud account, check it out. It's the software that most Credit Repair businesses in America run on. Sign up here for a Free Trial!
And if you'd like to improve your credit score and discover how to earn extra income repairing credit for others, check out our brand-new Start Repairing Credit Challenge! Doors are closing soon, and it's completely FREE! So sign up now at startrepairingcredit.com
So take care, Credit Hero!
And Keep Changing Lives!
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