Medical collections can be a huge problem for anyone trying to repair credit.
We’ve all received unexpected bills from the hospital or clinic and wondered why our insurance didn’t cover it. Sometimes these bills are HUGE and most folks have a hard time being able to pay them.
Unfortunately this is not a debt that just goes away if you don’t pay. Medical providers sell the debts to collection agencies for pennies on the dollar. Then the collector adds interest and harrasses you for the full payment and often double or even triple reports the same account to the credit bureaus.
It’s a terrible system that hurts a lot of people. But, as a Credit Hero, there are secret ways to fight back and WIN!
In this article, I’ll share with you exactly how.
Here’s What You Need to Know
According to the Department of Health and Human Services, if debt to a medical facility goes unpaid, they have the right to take measures to collect the debt, including selling your personal information to a debt collector.
But, the information that can be provided to the collector is very limited.
They can only share your name, address, social, date of birth, payment history, and the location and name of the facility you were treated in.
That’s it!
They absolutely cannot disclose the nature of your treatment or details of procedures to the collector. This includes paperwork or bills that disclose medications you’ve taken, ailments or diseases you may have been diagnosed with or treated for.
So if a collection agency provides you with any of these details they are in direct violation of HIPAA regulations and face severe fines - and that my friend is the secret to removing medical debts from your client’s reports.
Here’s Why This is Important
The main purpose of HIPAA is to prevent anyone from abusing our personal health information and HIPAA regulations affect collection agencies if they are dealing with medical debt.
They must sign a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement to indicate they will comply with HIPAA regulations that involve protected health information.
In order to collect a medical debt, collection agencies do not need any of that detailed information about your health and medical history.
Collection agencies are also responsible for making sure that any protected health information they do receive is secured from unauthorized access.
So, how do you use HIPAA to delete medical collections?
It’s easy.
Of course you should always grab the low hanging fruit by disputing the collection with the credit bureaus first, sometimes that will result in an easy deletion.
If you’ve tried that, the next step is to demand validation. You can use the validation letters in your Credit Repair Cloud library and wait for the response.
If the debt collection agency responds with too much of your client’s personal information, or any details of any medical procedures that were performed, it’s time to put them on notice.
Use the Validation of Medical Debt (HIPAA Request) letter also included in your Credit Repair Cloud.
This is an interesting letter, and can work quite well to scare the bejesus out of debt collectors. You are essentially threatening a lawsuit for HIPAA violations and you can usually convince any collection agency to delete the account if they have violated HIPAA.
This is a great tactic that often results in a deletion.
At the very least, even if they don't delete the collection from your client’s credit report, you will likely be able to use this as a strong negotiating point and go after a pay per deletion.
So that’s it! With the right letters and tactics you can take the power away from the collection agencies and back into the hands of the people they’re trying to hurt.
If you don’t have a Credit Repair Cloud account, sign up for a free 30 day trial at
And if you want to use our proven and effective methods we teach in our Basic Disputing Course for verification, disputing accounts, sending warnings, being persistent with reinvestigations, doing interventions, filing complaints, demanding validation and a ton of other real strategies that actually get you results...
I’m offering that certification course for FREE inside our Credit Hero Challenge, where we hold you by the hand as you launch your very own credit repair business in just a couple of weeks AND for less than it costs to bring your family to McDonald’s for dinner.
To join the challenge and get the Basic Disputing certification course for free, go to
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Medical collections can be a huge problem for anyone trying to repair credit. We've all received unexpected bills from a hospital or a clinic and wondered, why didn't our insurance cover it. And sometimes these bills are huge, and most folks have a hard time being able to pay them. Unfortunately, this is not a debt that just goes away if you don't pay it. See, what happens is the medical providers sell the debts to collection agencies for pennies on the dollar. And then the collector adds interest, and then harasses you for the full payment and often double or even triple reports the same account to the credit bureaus. It's a terrible system, and it hurts a whole lot of people. But as a Credit Hero, there are secret ways to fight back and win. So today, I'm going to share with you exactly how. So stick around!
So the big question is this. How can we take our passion for helping people with their credit and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing so we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to Credit Repair Business Secrets.
Okay, before I dive into the secrets of removing medical collections if you want to know more about how you can go from zero to Credit Hero with your very own profitable credit repair business, click the link in the video description below or visit Okay, let's get into this. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, if a debt to a medical facility goes unpaid, they have the right to take measures to collect the debt. Including selling your personal information to a debt collector. But the information that can be provided to the debt collector is very limited. They can only share your name, address, social date of birth, payment history, and the location and name of the facility that you were treated in. And that's it! They absolutely cannot disclose the nature of your treatment or details of procedures to the collector. This includes paperwork or bills that disclose medications you've taken, ailments or diseases that you may have been diagnosed with or treated for. So in short, if a collection agency provides you with any of these details that I've just listed, they are in direct violation of HIPAA regulations, and they face very severe fines. And that my friend is the secret to removing medical debts from your clients reports. See, the main purpose of HIPAA is to prevent anyone from abusing our personal health information and HIPAA regulations affect collection agencies. If they are dealing with medical debt, they must sign a HIPAA business associate agreement to indicate that they will comply with HIPAA regulations that involve protected health information. In order to collect a medical debt collection agencies do not need any of that detailed information about your health and your medical history. collection agencies are also responsible for making sure that any protected health information that they do receive is secured from unauthorized access. So how to use HIPAA to delete medical collections. It's easy. Of course, you should always grab the low hanging fruit by disputing the collection with the credit bureaus first, and sometimes that will result in the easy deletion. Now, if you've tried that already, the next step is to demand validation. And you can use the validation letters that are in your Credit Repair Cloud Library and then wait for the response. Now, if the debt collection agency responds with too much of your client's personal information or any details of any medical procedures that were performed, it's time to put them on notice. And for that you use the validation of medical debt, HIPAA request letter that's also included in your Credit Repair Cloud. This is an interesting letter, and it can work very well to scare the bejesus out of the debt collectors, you are essentially threatening a lawsuit for HIPAA violations, and you can usually convince any collection agency to delete the account if they have violated HIPAA. So this is a great tactic that often results in a deletion. At the very least, even if they don't delete the collection from your client’s credit report, you will likely be able to use this as a strong negotiating point and go after a pay per deletion. So that's it. With the right letters and tactics, you can take the power away from the collection agencies and put it back in the hands of the people that they are trying to hurt. Now if you don't have a Credit Repair Cloud account, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free 30-day trial at And if you want to use our proven and effective methods that we teach in our basic disputing course for verification, disputing accounts, sending warnings, big persistent with reinvestigation doing interventions, filing complaints, demanding validation, and a ton of other real strategies that actually gets you results, well, I'm offering that certification course for free inside of our Credit Hero Challenge, where we actually hold you by the hand as you launch your very own credit repair business in just a couple of weeks. And guess what? It cost less than it would cost to take your family to McDonald's for dinner. So to join our challenge, and get the basic disputing certification course for free, go to And if you're finding value in this podcast, please click below to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes. And if you're feeling kind, rate me or review me or give me a thumbs up, because this is a new podcast, and I can use all the help I can get. And I can't wait to see you in the next episode. So until then, be a Credit Hero and keep changing lives!
Want a fast track to creating an amazing business that helps people, changes lives, and makes you a great living in the process? Then I'd like to invite you to my free online training at In this free training, you will learn how to get clients willing to pay you even if you're just starting out how to get easy credit repair results without being an expert, and how to get all the clients you'll ever need without paying for advertising. Again, this training is absolutely free. Just visit

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