Would you like my PROVEN process to launching a profitable credit repair business in just a handful of steps?
Now, the best way to do this to have a Credit Repair Cloud membership. So before I dive in, if you don’t have an account with us yet - I’ll give you one absolutely free for 30 days. So go sign up quickly at creditrepaircloud.com so you can follow this super simple flow I’m going to show you today!
Some of us just aren’t a gifted “techie”. We get easily overwhelmed when trying to learn and new software. I know it might be hard to believe, but I’m not techie AT ALL even though I’m the founder of CRC! That’s why now that we have an entire development team, we work hard to make it extremely user friendly!
If I can use it - ANYBODY can use it!
When I started I obsessed over credit repair and learning the ins and outs of disputing in order to try and resolve a bank error that nearly cost me my home. The problem was I’d be locked up in my room like a monk all day, every day - some days I’d get headaches because I didn’t even eat! This went on for MONTHS just to get ONE error removed!
I knew there had to be a better way. The problem was when I looked for a software - there weren’t any! That’s when I shifted my focus to developing the first version of credit repair software so that it would be simple, quick, and easy to dispute items on the report and help raise someone’s credit score.
Fast-forward almost two decades and now we’re the industry leader in credit repair software and as I said, have a whole development team working to roll out new features and streamline everything so that what used to take me months, now takes our Credit Heroes a matter of minutes to do!
Here’s Why This Matters:
- By knowing the flow of how to use the software you cut down on costly mistakes!
- When you’re first starting, it’s intimidating to know what to do and when. By following an easy to understand flow, you know you won’t miss anything and you’re able to learn quickly.
- Once you get comfortable with the software you’re able to grow and scale your business much faster!
So here are the steps you need to take to launch and build your successful credit repair business.
Now, I’m keeping this very simple because I want to prove to you how easy it really is. If you want to dive deeper and really understand how to execute each step, join our next Credit Hero Challenge!
Simple Steps To Starting Your Credit Repair Business Inside Of Credit Repair Cloud
Step One:
A new lead appears in your CRC from your site or an affiliate. You invite them for a “free consultation and credit audit.”
Step Two:
You instruct the lead to sign up for credit IQ to get all 3 reports and scores for $1
Step Three:
Potential clients share login details with you, so you can import the report into CRC.
Step Four:
Import the report and run Simple Audit. A credit analysis report wows the client and explains your services. It’s your greatest sales tool ever.
Step Five:
You close the deal, change the lead to a Client, complete their profile, add the client’s credit card for recurring monthly payments.
Step Six:
Your client logs into their portal, signs your agreement watches a video about your process and uploads the relevant documents.
Step Seven:
You’ll then view the pending report, where CRC has analyzed and flagged the negative items. Tag each item with a reason and instruction, and save your work.
Congratulations, you’ve just planned the entire lifecycle of this client!
Step Eight:
Run the dispute wizard to add up to 5 items to send dispute letters. Send to all 3 bureaus and wait 30 days for bureaus to respond. Update changes in CRC. Repeat with 5 new items each month.
Step Nine:
Lather, rinse, & repeat - If a bureau claims an item is verified, challenge it with a new letter. Or, the items are removed, your client sees results, continues to pay your monthly fee, you get an amazing testimonial from them, and they refer their friends to you!
Step Ten:
Once you’ve nailed the basics, it’s time to grow and scale!
Remember credit repair is a PEOPLE business. When a client sees results, capture their excitement with a testimonial. Show the results on your site and on Facebook.
Each month, just add a few more paying clients and your revenue will keep growing!
With Credit Repair Cloud, it REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE!
So if you want to dive in and really understand the ins and outs of credit repair and how to launch a credit repair business - FAST, I want to invite you to join our upcoming Credit Hero Challenge.
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Hey, how about if I were to give you my simple, proven process to launching a profitable credit repair business in just a handful of steps, that'd be cool right? Now the best way to do this is to have a Credit Repair Cloud Membership. So before I dive in, if you don't have a Credit Repair Cloud account yet, I will give you one absolutely free for 30 days! Okay? So pause this episode and sign up quickly at creditrepaircloud.com so you can follow this super simple flow that I am going to give you today. Now once you have your account, you're going to want to practice what I'm going to show you again and again and again until it's in your DNA. Okay? First with our software's sample client, and then with yourself and your own client, and then you'll move on to family and friends. And then finally, with real paying clients. And that's when you're going to grow it to become a million-dollar business. Okay? I've helped all these people, all these people behind me if you're seeing this on YouTube. They have all done this and there are proven steps. It takes work, but you can get there. And we have it all laid out. And I'm going to give you those 10 steps today. Okay, sound good? Well, then stick around!
So the big question is this. How can we take our passion for helping people with their credit and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing, so we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to Credit Repair Business Secrets.
Some of us just aren't a gifted techie. We get easily overwhelmed when we're trying to learn a new software and I know! I know it might be hard to believe, but I'm not a techie at all either. Okay? And I'm the founder of Credit Repair Cloud. That's why now that we have tech geniuses creating our software, we work really hard to make it super user friendly. So if I can use it, anybody can use it. Now, you might be asking why in the world would a software company... I'm sorry... Why in the world would I start a software company if I stink at technical stuff? Well, when I started in credit repair, it was out of necessity. Okay? I had a bank error that nearly cost me everything! And I started obsessing over credit repair and learning the ins and outs of disputing but the problem was I'd be locked up in my room like a monk all day. And I did that every day around the clock, I didn't leave the room. And sometimes I would get headaches because I wouldn't even eat. Okay. And this went on for months and months and months just to get one error removed. Okay, and I knew there had to be a better way. The problem was, when I looked for software, there wasn't any. And that's when I shifted my focus to developing the first version of credit repair software, so that it would be simple, quick, and easy to dispute items on the everyone's credit reports, okay, and to be able to help to raise someone's credit score, because that can be life-changing for that person. So fast forward almost two decades. And we are now the industry leader in credit repair software. And as I said, We have a whole huge development team working to roll out new features and to streamline everything. So that what used to before take me months, it now takes our credit heroes, just a few clicks or a few minutes to do. Now here's why this is important. By knowing the flow of how to use the software, you cut down on a bunch of very costly mistakes. When you're first starting. It's intimidating to know what to do and when. And by following an easy-to-understand flow, you know, you're not going to miss anything and you're going to be able to learn quickly. Also, once you get comfortable with the software, you're able to grow and scale your business so much faster. Okay, so here are the steps you need to take to launch and build your successful credit. to repair business, okay, now I'm going to keep this really, really simple because I want to prove to you how easy it really is okay? If you want to dive deeper and really understand how to execute each step, then you're going to want to join our next credit hero challenge. But this right now is going to be the overview. Okay? So step one, a new lead appears in your Credit Repair Cloud from your site or from an affiliate, and then you call it and invite them for a free consultation, and credit audit, okay, then you instruct that lead to sign up for credit monitoring service, okay, where they can get all three reports and scores for $1. Okay, step three. The potential clients shares their login details with you, so you can import them Report right into Credit Repair Cloud. Step number four, you import that report. And you click one button to run simple audit. Okay, simple audit is this really cool credit analysis report that wows the client and explains your services to them. Okay, it gives them value, and it's your greatest sales tool ever. And you do it in one button, click, and it's amazing. Step five, you close the deal, and you change that lead into a client. Okay, you just click a button in the software, you change them to a client, you complete their profile, you add their credit card for the recurring monthly payments. And then step six, your client, they log into their portal, and they sign your agreement, and then they watch a video about your process. Then they start taking pictures of all the relevant documents that you'll need, you know, their photo ID and proof of address, etc. It guides them all through it and they do it on their cell phone. Okay, step seven, you then view the pending report where Credit Repair Cloud has already analyzed, automatically analyzed and flagged all the negative items. Okay, so all you have to do is go through that list of negative items, and you tag each item with a reason and an instruction. Okay, they're right there in a little dropdown. So you just tag each item, and then you save your work. And guess what, at this point, congratulations, because you've just planned out the entire lifecycle of that client. Step eight, you run the dispute wizard to add up to five items to send off the first dispute letters. Okay, you send them to us. All three bureaus, and then you wait 30 days for the Bureau's to respond. And then when the new credit report is available, you re import it into Credit Repair Cloud. And that is going to show all the changes that have happened. And then you repeat this process with five new items every month. And then Step nine, lather, rinse and repeat. Okay, you're just going to keep doing these same steps, and then moving forward into other rounds. If a bureau claims that an item is verified, you challenge it with a new letter, okay? Or if the items were removed, your client sees results, and they continue to pay your monthly fee. And then you get an amazing testimonial from them, and they refer their friends to you. And then step 10. Once you've nailed the basics, then it's time to grow in scale. Okay? And you do this by adding a team by adding, starting to do marketing and things like that. And that's how you grow to having a million-dollar business. That's all the people behind me who had these Millionaire's club awards, they have done the same steps. Okay? So it's fair, none of them as far as I know, have an MBA. Okay, I don't have an MBA, I didn't even finish high school. Okay, this is something you can learn. And there are proven steps you just have to put in the sweat equity, okay. But most of all, you have to remember that credit repair is a people business. Okay, when a client sees results, you capture their excitement with a testimonial, and then you show those results on your site and on Facebook, and the starts to grow your business more and more and then each month you just add a few more paying clients, and then your revenue. It keeps growing. And with Credit Repair Cloud, it really is that simple. Okay, and no one knows that better than our Millionaire's club member Serge. I have a hard time with its last name Serge Bagdasarov. There, I got it, right. Serge says that when he discovered Credit Repair Cloud, it changed everything for him. According to Serge, before he had Credit Repair Cloud, his work life was a total mess. The capabilities of Credit Repair Cloud allowed his company LSI Credit Solutions to do more in the same amount of time, which helped him to scale way faster. Now Serge says, "We now get to save not only hours but days, months, and even years of work with Credit Repair Cloud." Serge believes that the improvements to our business to... Sorry, our improvements to his business model have increased productivity and organization and they've also changed the way that their clients perceive them. Okay? Even clients, even Serge's clients have taken notice of how much more efficient their process is, though, through Credit Repair Cloud, Serge, and his team, they have changed lives in their community. They really have, they are amazing. We love Serge, and I'm so grateful that we've been able to help him in our small way. So if you want to dive in and really understand the ins and the outs of credit repair, and how to launch a credit repair business fast, then I want to invite you to join our upcoming Credit Hero Challenge. It's a live experience where our coaches and our team of experts, we walk you through day by day, step by step as you use our proven systems to start and grow your profitable recurring revenue business. And if you're finding value in the things I'm sharing on this podcast, click below to subscribe, okay? And if you're feeling kind, rate me and give me a review because this is a new podcast and I can use all the help I can get. And I will see you on the next episode. And until then, keep changing lives!
Hey, everybody, it's Daniel again. And really quick, I'd like to invite you to join what I believe is the best thing we have ever created inside the Credit Repair Cloud Community. And it is a challenge that we call the Credit Hero Challenge. If you're just planning out your business or you're just getting started, and you dream of having a successful business your own, so you can quit your nine to five and fire your boss and have financial freedom, or so you can add another revenue stream to your existing business, if that's your dream, you need to get into this challenge. We created this challenge to help you to create and launch your very own credit repair business. To build a proper foundation for a really successful business. This challenge is going to help you to understand the strategy, the tactics, and all the things you need to be successful at credit repair. It really is the greatest thing we have ever built, and it will change your life. So I recommend you do it right now. Stop everything, pause this audio, go online, and go to creditherochallenge.com. That's creditherochallenge.com and join the next challenge. And there's a challenge that's starting in just a few days. So go get started right now at creditherochallenge.com.

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